Tag: burger

Kumpel & Keule Speisewirtschaft

One of the best burgers in Berlin belongs to one of the only artisanal, German butcher shops in town – Kumpel & Keule. ““Only the butcher that loves animals is a good butcher”” — Kumpel & Keule Speisewirtschaft Being in […]

Smash’d Eatery, Berlin

It’s rare that food is so good that it leaves me speechless. Smash’d Pulled Pork Burger is one of those times. Smash’d Eatery just opened this April and offer international comfort food. Before going and checking it out I shortly […]

Insanity Burger with Homemade Buns

I’ve been making this burger over six years at home and I have yet to try a better burger recipe. Making burgers at home might seem scary and a lot of effort, but it really doesn’t take more time than […]